Secretariat of the Court
Bishkek Bishkek
Astana Astana
Minsk Minsk
Yerevan Yerevan
Moscow Moscow
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Secretariat of the Court

The Secretariat of the Court provides legal, organisational, material, technical and other support for Court functioning and judges activities.


The Secretariat of the Court includes two departments: the Legal Research and Analysis Department and the Department for Financial, Organisational and Personnel Operations. The Secretariat of the Court is headed by the Registrar. The Registrar has two deputies, who are heads of the respective departments.

The Legal Research and Analysis Department performs the following functions:

  • participation in information and legal support of the activities of the Court, preparation of information and reference materials on legal issues being considered by the Court, draft documents, other materials for the consideration of cases and other issues at the sessions of the Court, other events held by the Court or with the participation of the Court;
  • preliminary study of applications, complaints, other materials received by the Court, preparation of reports on the admissibility of applications and complaints received by the Court;
  • preparation of reports containing an analysis of the international practice of courts of organisations of integration, international judicial bodies and national courts of the EAEU member states, as well as scientific positions based on the results of the study of arguments of applications, complaints;
  • forming and making analysis of statistical data on the activities of the Court, study of the state of execution of the Court’s judgments;
  • analysis and compilation of judicial practice, preparation of draft overviews on such practice;
  • participation in organizing the cooperation of the Court with other bodies of the EAEU, the highest judicial authorities and other bodies of the member states of the EAEU, and states that are not members of the EAEU, international judicial bodies and other organizations, including the exchange of experience, and printed publications;
  • participation in the preparation and holding of international events with the participation of the Court, notably on the basis of the Court;
  • study and compilation of the experience of international and other judicial bodies, preparation of the relevant information materials.

The Department for Financial, Organisational and Personnel Operations performs the following functions:

  • organizational support for the sessions of the Court, other events held by the Court or with the participation of the Court;
  • participation in the preparation of draft documents on the issues of the Court's activities that fall within the competence of the Department, accompanying materials to them;
  • development of a plan of international events with the participation of the Court;
  • organizational support of business trips of judges, officials and employees of the Administration of the Court in accordance with the established procedure;
  • ensuring the development and maintenance of the information and communication system of the Court;
  • material and technical support for the activities of the Court and judges, ensuring that the issues of transport, medical, social and day-to-day support services for judges, officials and employees of the Administration of the Court are resolved in accordance with the established procedure;
  • drawing up a draft estimate of the Court's expenses for the next financial year, submitting reports on the expenditure of funds in accordance with the established procedure;
  • organization of events for servicing foreign delegations, officials and other persons invited by the Court, other events held by the Court;
  • conducting personnel work, including personal files, employment records of judges, officials and employees of the Administration of the Court, organizational support for the activities of the attestation commission of the Court;
  • compilation of the nomenclature of cases of the Court, registration of cases and documents;
  • ensuring the maintenance of the archive of the Court, ensuring the registration, accounting and maintenance of registers of cases that are under the consideration by the Court, as well as judgments of the Court;
  • record keeping, sending and receiving correspondence of the Court.