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Court of the EAEU - Court cases
Search instructions
The search can be carried out both by cases and by individual court documents.
Case number
The case number is entered in full. Case numbers are alphanumeric combinations consisting of the following identifiers:
- Type of case: "C" (dispute) or "P" (clarification);
- Ordinal number of a case of the same type (dispute/clarification) in a calendar year, assigned when the first act of the Court is passed;
- Year: the last two digits of the calendar year in which the first act of the Court was rendered in the case.
The cards also display the numbers of cases considered by the EAEU Court in accordance with the internal nomenclature of cases.
The site also presents cases of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), the numbers of which contain the corresponding mark "EurAsEC".
The "Date" line allows you to search for court documents by the date / period of their adoption. The date can be selected from the calendar or entered manually in the DD.MM.YYYY format. Filling in only the left column will allow you to find all the acts adopted since the specified date. Filling in only the legal column will allow you to find all the acts adopted before the specified date.
The key words reflect the legal grounds (see paragraph 39 and paragraph 46 of the Statute), the subject matter of the dispute, the factual circumstances of the case (for example, type of product or type of activity), as well as the names and numbers of the contested decisions and acts, which were assessed under the court case.
In the "Documents" section, it is also possible to search by types of document and composition of the Court.
Search by name
Makes by partial compare
Possible to write logical combinations:
Logical "AND" represents as whitespace " ". For example: "Коммиссия Консульство" will search for "Коммиссия" and "Консульство".
Logical "OR" represents as comma ",". For example: "Коммиссия,Консульство" will search for "Коммиссия" or "Консульство".
Logical "NOT" represents as exclamation mark "!". For example: "!Консульство" will search for without "Консульство".
The search can be carried out both by cases and by individual court documents.
Case number
The case number is entered in full. Case numbers are alphanumeric combinations consisting of the following identifiers:
- Type of case: "C" (dispute) or "P" (clarification);
- Ordinal number of a case of the same type (dispute/clarification) in a calendar year, assigned when the first act of the Court is passed;
- Year: the last two digits of the calendar year in which the first act of the Court was rendered in the case.
The cards also display the numbers of cases considered by the EAEU Court in accordance with the internal nomenclature of cases.
The site also presents cases of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), the numbers of which contain the corresponding mark "EurAsEC".
The "Date" line allows you to search for court documents by the date / period of their adoption. The date can be selected from the calendar or entered manually in the DD.MM.YYYY format. Filling in only the left column will allow you to find all the acts adopted since the specified date. Filling in only the legal column will allow you to find all the acts adopted before the specified date.
The key words reflect the legal grounds (see paragraph 39 and paragraph 46 of the Statute), the subject matter of the dispute, the factual circumstances of the case (for example, type of product or type of activity), as well as the names and numbers of the contested decisions and acts, which were assessed under the court case.
In the "Documents" section, it is also possible to search by types of document and composition of the Court.
Search by name
Makes by partial compare
Possible to write logical combinations:
Logical "AND" represents as whitespace " ". For example: "Коммиссия Консульство" will search for "Коммиссия" and "Консульство".
Logical "OR" represents as comma ",". For example: "Коммиссия,Консульство" will search for "Коммиссия" or "Консульство".
Logical "NOT" represents as exclamation mark "!". For example: "!Консульство" will search for without "Консульство".
Case number | Case type | Applicant/Plaintiff | Sphere of law | Last update | Case card |
С-1/23 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | Plaintiff | Taxation | 24.01.2023 | Go to |
С-6/22 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ООО «Польские машины» | Functioning of the Custom Union | 09.12.2022 | Go to |
Р-4/22 | Request for Clarification | Евразийская экономическая комиссия | Public Procurement | 23.11.2022 | Go to |
С-4/22 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ТОО "ратиофарм Казахстан" | Functioning of the Custom Union | 22.11.2022 | Go to |
Р-3/22 | Request for Clarification | Центр судебного представительства при Министерстве юстиции Кыргызской Республики | Labor Migration | 18.10.2022 | Go to |
Р-2/22 | Request for Clarification | Министерство экономики и коммерции Кыргызской Республики | Taxation | 13.10.2022 | Go to |
С-5/22 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ООО «Логосервис» | Functioning of the Custom Union | 11.10.2022 | Go to |
С-2/22 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ООО «СМГ ИМПОРТ», ООО «АЙСТЕК», ООО «ЭНГО-РУС» | Functioning of the Custom Union | 11.10.2022 | Go to |
С-3/22 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ООО «Таможенно-Логистический Оператор» | Functioning of the Custom Union | 12.05.2022 | Go to |
С-12/21 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ООО «Таможенно-Логистический Оператор» | Functioning of the Custom Union | 10.05.2022 | Go to |
Р-3/21 | Request for Clarification | Министерство юстиции Республики Казахстан | Labor relations in the EAEU | 21.03.2022 | Go to |
С-1/22 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | АО «ИнВест Мультимодал» | Internal Market Protection Measures | 02.03.2022 | Go to |
С-8/21 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ООО «ГЛОБАЛ ФАРМА» | Competition | 02.03.2022 | Go to |
Р-1/22 | Request for Clarification | НПП «Атамекен» | Technical Regulation | 01.03.2022 | Go to |
С-13/21 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | АО «ИнВест Мультимодал» | Internal Market Protection Measures | 25.01.2022 | Go to |
С-6/21 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ИП Фельбуш Д.Ю. | Functioning of the Custom Union | 18.01.2022 | Go to |
С-5/21 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | ООО «Самсунг Электроникс Рус Калуга» | Functioning of the Custom Union | 24.12.2021 | Go to |
С-1/21 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | АО «СУЭК-Кузбасс» | Functioning of the Custom Union | 03.12.2021 | Go to |
Р-2/21 | Request for Clarification | Евразийская экономическая комиссия | Industrial Subsidising | 29.11.2021 | Go to |
С-9-11/21 | Application for Dispute Resolusion | АО «ИНТЕРПАЙП Новомосковский трубный завод»; ООО «ИНТЕРПАЙП НИКО ТЬЮБ»; ПАО «ИНТЕРПАЙП Нижнеднепровский трубопрокатный завод» | Internal Market Protection Measures | 24.11.2021 | Go to |